This evening was the rehearsals for Wynnstay Chapter. So I popped along to help out. I often miss these rehearsals since they often fall on the last Friday of the month, which is also the night Wrexhamian Lodge meets. But since the Lodge is closed for the summer, I...
Today was the meeting of Rhodri Fawr Chapter. Rhodri Fawr is the Past Sovereign Chapter of the District of North Wales, Rose Croix. The college meets twice a year, the Enthronement is held in Rhyl Masonic Hall, and the other meeting moves about depending on who is in...
This evening was the time of the Maesgwyn Lodge of Installed Masters. I am the Secretary of this Lodge, so it is a weird one where I have more work to do in the run up to the actual meeting than I do in the meeting. But saying that, being Secretary does have...
This evening was the meeting of Bishop Wilkins College. The evening started with a very polite fight with a Rose Croix Chapter that meets in the same hall. It turns out we both use the same 3 black pedestals. They used to have our college name on them, but now have...
This evening was the Installation meeting of the North Wales Lodge of Provincial Grand Stewards. It is always great going to the Stewards Lodge and seeing the sea of red, because no matter how high you rise in freemasonry, you wear your red in the stewards lodge. If...
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