Greetings & Salutations! Welcome to my new website. As you can see its actually under development at the minute and there is not much to see.

Feel free to pop back later to see how it progresses.

The Year of a Busy Mason

The Masonic year tends to run from September until June, with July and August being our summer break. There are of course exceptions to every rule, and we do have the occasional summer meeting, but the majority runs September-June.  I have therefore decided to write a blog series to record of all my meetings in the 2023-24 Masonic year, to give people an idea of what a busy Masonic year is like.

So come along with me on a journey.

Recent News & Blog Posts

Bag of Dungeon

I have recently been given a Bag of Dungeon to look at, so I have decided to give it a go single player.   Bag of Dungeon is a dungeon crawling tile-based game harking back to the good old deadly days of exploring dungeons, slaying monsters and stealing treasure....

£1000 donation to Theatr Yr Ifanc, Rhos 1990 Youth Theatre

Yesterday evening several members of Wrexhamian Chapter 6715 popped along to the Stiwt in Rhosllanerchrugog to visit Theatr Yr Ifanc, Rhos 1990 Youth Theatre to present a donation of £1,000.   The donation was made up of £500 from Wrexhamian Chapter, and £500 match...

Election Day – Newer is not always Better

Today is the day we all get to vote on who will govern the country for the next 4 years. Well the UK anyway, Wales is fixed so Labour always win, and votes of no confidence and petitions from the public are equally ignored. But we should all do our civic duty and...

The Year of a Busy Mason – The end of the Year.

The masonic year has ended! So the year of a a busy Mason has come to an end, and how busy did it turn out to be? Well I went to 41 meetings of which 9 were visits across 15 Masonic Halls. I attended 20 rehearsals, 11 committee meetings, 5 AGM's and 2 social events. I...

TYoaBM – End of the year

The masonic year has ended! So the year of a a busy Mason has come to an end, and how busy did it turn out to be? Well I went to 41 meetings of which 9 were visits across 15 Masonic Halls. I attended 20 rehearsals, 11 committee meetings, 5 AGM's and 2 social events. I...

TYoaBM – Bonus Social

My masonic year had a bonus social night. The Wrexhamian Lodge guys decided to have a curry night, to be social, have a few drinks and a curry. Now for those people who accuse Freemasons of being the New World Order and secretly running the whole world, we had no...