by Wayne Pendragon Owens

I am an Author, Freemason, Rosicrucian, Blood Biker, Widows Son, CodeNinja, Spod, Hacker, Son, Uncle, Brother, Man, AN INDIVIDUAL!

31st May 2024

TYoaBM – Penultimate Rehearsals of the Year

This evening was the rehearsals for Wynnstay Chapter.

So I popped along to help out. I often miss these rehearsals since they often fall on the last Friday of the month, which is also the night Wrexhamian Lodge meets. But since the Lodge is closed for the summer, I got to go along.

And boy was I glad I did, it was amusing. We have several Past Z’s who joined when their Chapter handed it’s warrant in, and since we have our own Installation ritual that is unique to us, they were a bit unsure of what was going on.

And to add to the fun, J-Elect is a Past Z, so that means a cut down ritual. Also H-Elect is missing on the night. So it took a bit of organising to work out what we are doing, and in what order.

Update Count:- Attended/Total
28/31 – Meetings
09/09 – Visits
19/23 – Rehearsals
10/12 – Committee
05/05 – AGM’s
01/01 – Social

Masonic Halls – 14

The Holy Royal Arch (Royal Arch)

Administration of the Royal Arch and its Chapters has been entrusted by UGLE to the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England.

Joining the Royal Arch (or 'Chapter') is the fourth and final stage in Pure Antient Masonry, as defined in the Act of Union of 1813 that created the current United Grand Lodge of England.

Anyone who has been a Master Mason for four weeks can join—and should aspire to join the Royal Arch, because becoming a Companion of the Order continues their voyage of discovery