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Battle to be The King of Idiots

Battle to be The King of Idiots

This week at the Asylum has been a bit weird (And I mean weirder than normal) We’ve had two customers fighting to be crowned “The King of Idiots.” Now you would not think that was a title anyone would actively seek out, but I swear the two nominated contestants must...
National Nostalgia Week

National Nostalgia Week

Is it “National Nostalgia Week” or something? Is there such an event? If so, Why was I not informed? If there is, how would the organisers control peoples memories? If you have bad remembrances can you get a refund?   These and other pointless questions will not be...
Battle to be The King of Idiots

BT has killed my will to live.

I am sat here, feet on desk, phone resting on my shoulder trying to work out if I can slash my wrists with a business card. Why you ask? Well to fully explain I need to go back over a hour, so sit comfortably and get ready for story time. The Governor of the Asylum...
National Nostalgia Week

Parents, Who’d have them?

Last week at a festive board there was a discussion on “kids, and the annoying requests they ask of you” The general opinion of the parents present was that in their days if you had a problem, like you broke down, or ran out of petrol you sorted it out yourself, and...