by Wayne Pendragon Owens

I am an Author, Freemason, Rosicrucian, Blood Biker, Widows Son, CodeNinja, Spod, Hacker, Son, Uncle, Brother, Man, AN INDIVIDUAL!

25th May 2024

TYoaBM – Invading Ynys Môn

Today was the meeting of Rhodri Fawr Chapter.

Rhodri Fawr is the Past Sovereign Chapter of the District of North Wales, Rose Croix. The college meets twice a year, the Enthronement is held in Rhyl Masonic Hall, and the other meeting moves about depending on who is in the chair during the year. This year the meeting was in Amlwch Masonic Hall on Anglesey.

This resulted in me having to get up at silly o’clock on a Saturday morning to head up to pick up Hugh, and then head off to the far coast of Anglesey. The sun was shining and it was a great day for a trip to the coast.

This was my first time visiting this hall, so it is always a good meeting when you get to see a new place. The hall was impressive, and easy to find. the meeting was mostly business, followed by a short talk on old coins. Afterwards we headed off to the Dinorban Arms Hotel, for a fantastic 4 course meal.

Overall it was a fantastic day out. Sun, Good Meeting, Good food, Good beer!

What more could you ask for.

Update Count:- Attended/Total
28/31 – Meetings
09/09 – Visits
18/22 – Rehearsals
10/12 – Committee
05/05 – AGM’s
01/01 – Social

Masonic Halls – 14

The Ancient and Accepted Rite (Rose Croix)

The Ancient and Accepted Rite originated in France in 1754 and worked in the USA where a Supreme Council was formed in 1801.

The Supreme Council for England and Wales was established in 1845 under a patent from the Supreme Council of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America. The Rite consists of its own 33 Degrees entirely separate and distinct from any other Order.

The three Craft Degrees are accepted as equivalent to the first 3 Degrees of this Rite. Candidates for Perfection are taken from the 4º to 17º Degrees by name only, prior to being made Excellent and Perfect Princes Rose Croix in a detailed and beautiful 18º Degree ceremony. This is the only degree permitted to be worked in a private Rose Croix Chapter. Degrees above the 18º are awarded on merit after a brother has passed the Chair of his Chapter.

For more information on the Order of The Ancient and Accepted Rite, please click on the link to the Supreme Council website.