An interesting thing happened to me on the way to work… I start my car and leave home heading to the Insane Asylum. I stop off at the petrol station to fill up on diesel, notice one of my tires is looking a bit deflated. After several failed attempts at humor to make...
I finally gave in to peer pressure, and went to see the doctor about my eye. So a quick in/out to get it confirmed I have conjunctivitis and need eye drops, get a prescription, and sorted, all under 10 minutes. God bless the NHS! So I’m standing outside the door to...
I have spent the last few weeks suffering for Conjunctivitis. “A couple of weeks?” I hear you ask. Well, The first week as it started getting worse I was convinced i’d just scratched my eye, making it inflamed. I was wrong, as my doctor told me withing 5 minutes of me...
Today is a special day in the geeky calander. Unix or Posix time is a means computers, part of the internet, and millions of systems across the world use for time keeping, calculating, and things like that. Well today @ 23:31:30 (11:31 and 30 seconds PM to some) the...
So we have a new customer, lets call him “MPD“. Simple job (in theory) He’s fallen out with his web designers/holders and needs his site putting up somewhere else, (or he split from company and wants to go into competition, I did not ask which). Now he had a copy of...
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