This morning Nev, Hugh, John, and Myself went along to Broughton District History Group to give a talk on “The Story of Blood Bikes”. The talk went down very well, and the Group gave us a donation of £45 which was increased by a bucket collection to a...
This morning I attended Rhodri Fawr Chapter Rose Croix. Since this was the Enthronement meeting, it was held at Elwy Hall Rhyl. At the start of the meeting I stood in as the Outer Guard, and at the end as the 1st General. All around it was a enjoyable (albeit short)...
The Masonic year has started. This evening I attended Clwyd College SRIA, we had a IVº and a IIº grades, and a reading from the Fama Fraternitatis. The whole evening was very enjoyable, full of excellent ritual, good company and even better conversation, and it was...
The Masonic year tends to run from September until June, with July and August being our summer break. There are of course exceptions to every rule, and we do have the occasional summer meeting, but the majority runs from September-June. To continue the trend I started...
The Masonic year tends to run from September until June, with July and August being our summer break. There are of course exceptions to every rule, and we do have the occasional summer meeting, but the majority runs from September-June. To continue the trend I started...
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