This evening we had a committee meeting for Wrexhamian Lodge. This committee meeting was to decide the people that we elected last Friday (I know it makes no sense). And to sort out the Officer list for the upcoming year. The first hour was taken up by discussing...
At 9am this morning I wandered off to the Maesgwyn Masonic Hall for another Wrexhamian Chapter Rehearsals. This time it was only for Principles and Past Principles, so that we could rehearse all the inner workings. Since it was a Saturday morning, and different we...
This evening was the first meeting of Wrexhamian Lodge for the season. We had a Third Degree ceremony, and due to the SW recovering from an operation, I dusted off my memory and stood in the chair for the evening. The ceremony went well, the only thing we discussed...
This evening Neville Owens, Hugh Jackson, and Myself went along to visit the Gwerswult Scouts and Cubs to give tell them a little bit on what Blood Bikes Wales do. They were very well behaved, and asked a lot of interesting questions. The Scouts gave us a donation of...
When its a Bully. The Internet is full of terms and names that date way back into the mists of Internet-Time, when all these sites were tree’s and the Internet Denizens roamed and grazed in peace. A Time when you could use a term like “Hacker” or “Spod” or “Newbie”...
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