This evening was the meeting of Bishop Wilkins College of the S.R.I.A which is held just over the border at Cheshire View in Christleton. I had a busy evening since I am the Secretary, and a new one at that. This was only my second meeting in the role and I am still...
This evening was the Maesgwyn Lodge of Installed Masters (MLIM) Rehearsals. Organising a Masonic Meeting is a bit like putting on a play, and as such we need rehearsals to practice, and make sure everyone knows their lines and actions. We in the MLIM only meet three...
Everything in the world is run by committee’s, you can hardly do anything these days without at least one committee involved, and Freemasonry is no exception. This evening was the turn of Wrexhamian Lodge’s committee meeting. We needed to discuss what we are going to...
Today was the meeting of Valle Crucis Chapter of Rose Croix. This was also the first meeting at the Maesgwyn Masonic Hall, Wrexham. Which is my home Masonic Hall, and where most of my Masonry happens. This was an interesting meeting to prepare for due to our...
This evening was the meeting of Clwyd College of The Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (S.R.I.A.). Clwyd College has been doing very well these last few years since it moved its meeting location and was saved from closing. To help them out I have agreed to go into the...
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