This is going to be an odd post, I am apologising for something that has not yet happened, and in fact may never happen. But I wish to apologise anyway, just because I am a nice guy!. I was driving home from training last night, bored on the journey due to the...
1. How tall are you? Well I used to be 6′ 2”. But various injury’s and accidents, and a tendency to slouch have lowered it a bit.2. Have you ever smoked heroin? No!, I could never work out how you get the bird to nest in the end of the pipe! OH!! heroin!! Thought you...
So far this year I have received: – THREE Wedding Invites, (And it is only March). A formal occasion. Something I’ve forgotten all about. Each of these events all came with the normal invite of Me+1. It is times Like this, that being single is annoying. I need...
Sometimes, something happens that reaffirms your belief in the universal Justice of the universe. (call it Karma, Fate, or whatever your metaphysical name for the concept is!). Here is todays Universal Justice. Over the weekend there was snow, lots and lots of snow....
Well I have had a nice week off work, sometimes you just need to get away from the office and the petty politics that always seems to be going on in the background. Besides, I was told I had to use up all spare holidays before April, so I took a week off to chill....
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