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Answers to the Question.

Answers to the Question.

On tuesday I asked a question. A simple question I thought, one which would result in say a half dozen posts. I was shocked and surprised by the response (56 posts so far). So I thought I would post what I have found out. Apparently tie brides come with guarantees Its...
A Moral Question

A Moral Question

Ok a simple question prompted by an IM conversation being held that that window over there <=——- Which person if any is correct.. Person 1.It is wrong to mess around with somebody’s partner. Person cannot own women, so its ok to mess around with someone in a...
Zombie Mice

Zombie Mice

​The world is a strange place, for example… Our office building seems to have developed a mouse/rat infestation. which led onto the random subject tangent of zombie mice, which is in fact a logical topic progression for the people who work here. Several steps along...