by Wayne Pendragon Owens

I am an Author, Freemason, Rosicrucian, Blood Biker, Widows Son, CodeNinja, Spod, Hacker, Son, Uncle, Brother, Man, AN INDIVIDUAL!

5th April 2024

TYoaBM – Missed Rehearsals

This evening was Wynnstay Chapter rehearsals. 

Unfortunately I will be missing the actual meeting next week due to other Masonic engagements that were arranged long before Wynnstay Chapter moved it’s meeting date making them clash.

This is the problem when the Easter weekend causes my my Friday and Monday meetings to move dates, which can have a lot of knock on issues, and something has to be sacrificed. And since on Monday the other thing I have on has me acting in two capacities for two different Lodges, it has to come first.

On the positive side, Wynnstay is not doing anything at the meeting, just electing the Principles for the following year.

Update Count:- Attended/Total
21/23 – Meetings
08/08 – Visits
12/16 – Rehearsals
08/10 – Committee
04/04 – AGM’s
01/01 – Social

Masonic Halls – 12

The Holy Royal Arch (Royal Arch)

Administration of the Royal Arch and its Chapters has been entrusted by UGLE to the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England.

Joining the Royal Arch (or 'Chapter') is the fourth and final stage in Pure Antient Masonry, as defined in the Act of Union of 1813 that created the current United Grand Lodge of England.

Anyone who has been a Master Mason for four weeks can join—and should aspire to join the Royal Arch, because becoming a Companion of the Order continues their voyage of discovery