Welcome to my Blog

This is actually Version 4 of my blog. 

  • Version 1: Was hand coded posts on my original Website back in the early 90’s before the term Blog was even invented.
  • Version 2: Was on Livejournal
  • Version 3: Was on the three-Ninjas site
  • Version 4: (And hopefully final version) is here!


There are some series of posts that go together. You can access them directly with the links below.

Police Target the Wrong Groups

Police Target the Wrong Groups

So once again the Men and Women of the North Wales Police force are pushing a campaign to make the roads safer. With a ‘Fatal 5’ series of checks. In case you are unaware The Fatal 5 are :- Drink/Drug Drive Speeding Not Wearing a Seatbelt Dangerous...

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For the Parents out there

For the Parents out there

Hey Guys, Gals, and Constant Readers Lend me your ears. Oh, I should point out I do not want to use your ears in any weird way. I will not be putting anything into them, before YOU (Yes YOU, you know who YOU are!) ask, Neither do I wish you to...

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Police Target the Wrong Groups

Sorry Kids, Christmas is Cancelled

I am sorry I have to break this sad news to you Dear Constant Readers, but alas due to some bad judgement on the behalf of the jolly fat man, Christmas this year is cancelled. You see, as I was driving home from work the other night, in the dark,...

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For the Parents out there

USA – Secret Summit

I recently had a mini holiday in Pwllheli, I’d gone to visit some old friends who were holidaying there at the time (*EDIT: Oddly all the friends there can probably be found in The Pleasuredome rest home for the mentally unstable.) This...

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Police Target the Wrong Groups

I am Man hear me Roar!

As I was on my commute home after work Friday I noticed my battery warning light was glowing. “By Jove, that’s a devilishly unfortunate occurrence!” I exclaimed (Well I think those may not have been the exact words used).Now I have had problems in...

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Police Target the Wrong Groups

Bicycles should be Banned!

…..On roads during peak travel/commute hours. Now I should point out that in principle I have no problem with people who want to enjoy the fresh air while getting or staying fit and healthy, or those who want to help the environment, or even those...

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For the Parents out there

Secret Government Base?

This morning on my way to the Insane Asylum I had to stop off at a small garage (Gas Station) to fill up my vehicle with diesel. Nothing special about that, It happens at least once a week, or more commonly twice a week due to my superstition about...

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