Welcome to my Blog

This is actually Version 4 of my blog. 

  • Version 1: Was hand coded posts on my original Website back in the early 90’s before the term Blog was even invented.
  • Version 2: Was on Livejournal
  • Version 3: Was on the three-Ninjas site
  • Version 4: (And hopefully final version) is here!


There are some series of posts that go together. You can access them directly with the links below.

Vampiric Eye Update

Vampiric Eye Update

Well its that time again when I have to pop into the local hospital for a check-up on my Vampiric eye syndrome. Only today’s appointment was not at my usual first thing in the morning time, but at the unhelpful time of 11am. Now this is both a...

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Vampiric Eye Update

Vampiric Eye Revisited

This Christmas I was afflicted with “Vampiric Eye” again (Or iritis for those of you who like medical terms). Now there is nothing special about this, other than I am getting slowly fed up of the repeated outbreaks, and there will be vengeance on...

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Vampiric Eye Update

Doctors 2.1

My case of “Vampire Eye” was not getting any better, in fact it seemed to be getting actually worse, so yesterday I decided to get myself a check-up appointment at the Doctors. I was in luck and managed to get myself a 9am appointment.  So not long...

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Vampiric Eye Update

Doctors 2.0

Yesterday I gave in to the masses, who had been giving me a hard time for not going to the doctor with my “Vampire Eye“. So I woke up yesterday, got dressed up in my Ninja Gi, loaded up with all the weapons and tools of the Ninja, and prepared for...

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Hallucinations of Mass Self-Sucide

Hallucinations of Mass Self-Sucide

OK, Before I get onto writing this post I feel I should point out that I am not 100% convinced suicide is the correct term for the title.  Now I am not a student of Latin, in fact the closest I have ever come to studying the language is lying with...

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Vampiric Eye Update

Medical Misadventures

I am suffering from the medical condition “Vampire Eyes” again. “What is Vampire Eye?“ you ask, Well you should read some of the earlier blog posts where its mentioned in detail.  OK! I’m nice, I’ll  give a quick re-cap for the newer readers....

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Vampiric Eye Update

Chaos Seems To Follow Me

I finally gave in to peer pressure, and went to see the doctor about my eye.  So a quick in/out to get it confirmed I have conjunctivitis and need eye drops, get a prescription, and sorted, all under 10 minutes. God bless the NHS! So I’m standing...

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Vampiric Eye Update

Vampire Eye

I have spent the last few weeks suffering for Conjunctivitis. “A couple of weeks?” I hear you ask. Well, The first week as it started getting worse I was convinced i’d just scratched my eye, making it inflamed. I was wrong, as my doctor told me...

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