Wayne was born at a very early age and has not died yet, which is something he considers to be a bit of an achievement.

He joined Freemasonry in 2006, went into the chair for the first time in 2011, and started giving talks across several Provinces in early 2017, before joining NWAMS as a speaker in 2021.

He Is an accidentally established Masonic author and has had articles published in several Masonic and non-Masonic periodicals.

by Wayne Pendragon Owens

I am an Author, Freemason, Rosicrucian, Blood Biker, Widows Son, CodeNinja, Spod, Hacker, Son, Uncle, Brother, Man, AN INDIVIDUAL!

18th November 2009

Hallucinations of Mass Self-Sucide

OK, Before I get onto writing this post I feel I should point out that I am not 100% convinced suicide is the correct term for the title.  Now I am not a student of Latin, in fact the closest I have ever come to studying the language is lying with my head in the lap of a girl who was practicing for her Latin Oral.  But that’s another story for another time.

Now, I know the ****cide words for different kids of killings are made up from two parts. the ending cide from the Latin Caedere, Cecidi meaning Killing.  And the first part depicts the kind of thing being killed. for eg:-

  • regicide: killing of a king/Queen
  • homicide: killing of a human
  • parricide: killing  of a parent
  • fratricide: killing of a brother
  • sororicide: killing of a sister
  • uxoricide: killing of a wife
  • mariticide: killing of a husband
  • herbicide: Killing Plants
  • suicide: Killing of yourself

Now the best i can work out the word i really needed to use would be genesuicide which i may just have made up now, and only people who know the meaning of the three parts of the word would have been able to work out what on earth I was trying to say. So for now I will settle for suicide, Unless anyone can correct me.

Now to the Post… *Random Dramatic Music*

I have been ill the last few days, some form of flu (not of the aporckalypse kind) yet still a very nasty one. Lets just say I crawled into bed around 9pm Sunday, and apart from trips to hug the toilet I did not crawl back out until some point Tuesday evening.  Now during this extended stay in bed, I did start hallucinating slightly.  This is the only the second time I remember being so ill that I hallucinated, the previous time it was with some very strong 48 hour debilitating flu as well. So maybe the same strain?

The previous hallucinations of several years ago involved some microscopic aliens with a odd fetish for saucepans. Apparently “so they informed me” the common saucepan is the greatest invention of all time, you can cook with it, eat from it, drink from it, carry stuff (both liquid and solid) in it, Use it to paddle, bail out, dig, as a rudimentary trap for small animals, and even as a weapon. I was tempted at the time to argue for the validity of other inventions possibly in the medical or gaming areas as a better invention to worship, but when you are convinced your bed is full of microscopic aliens armed with saucepans you tend just to agree with them and pray you get better soon.  Anyway that’s a different story.

This time the hallucinations were mainly auditory, it sounded like thousands of me’s were all talking in my head. and each was different in a slight way. As if every me from the multiverse had all been pulled into the same place at the same time, so each of their thoughts could be heard by all the others. Do you realise how impossible it is to sleep with hundreds of voices arguing, crying, moaning loudly in your head at the same time? It did not make it better that one of the voices could not cope, so kept singing one verse from the song Puss in boots over and over again to drown out the sound of the others.

Pussycat, pussycat where have you been?
I’ve been to London, now I’m queen
Sitting pretty, I don’t wear suits
And the mice all call me –
Puss’n boots

Puss’n Boots By Adam & The Ants

Over and over and over solidly for over ten hours. I tell you, I was getting close to giving up until I noticed the volume of voices were getting less and less over time, like there was less me’s about.  Now I’d like to think this was my body’s reaction to getting better, that it was natural progressions.  The only thing stopping me believe that is the fact that as the number of other me’s dropped the voice of my subconscious got happier and happier.

I believe I mentioned how all the multiverses version of me had slightly different qualities? well out of the hundreds that were in my hallucination, only my subconscious was a sociopath.

Luckily it was all just a Hallucination.  Wasn’t it?