Welcome to my Blog

This is actually Version 4 of my blog. 

  • Version 1: Was hand coded posts on my original Website back in the early 90’s before the term Blog was even invented.
  • Version 2: Was on Livejournal
  • Version 3: Was on the three-Ninjas site
  • Version 4: (And hopefully final version) is here!


There are some series of posts that go together. You can access them directly with the links below.

Never send a boy to do a woman’s job

30 Years on and still Relevant!

The Hacker Manifesto by+++The Mentor+++Written January 8, 1986 Another one got caught today, it’s all over the papers. “Teenager Arrested in Computer Crime Scandal”, “Hacker Arrested after Bank Tampering”… Damn kids. They’re all alike. But did you,...

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Inmates Assemble

Inmates Assemble

Last night some of the Inmates at the asylum staged an escape, we went over the tunnel and through the wire before making a mad run through torrential rain into England for FREEEEEEEDOM and the Avengers movie. The escapees consisted of, DemonPengu,...

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Never send a boy to do a woman’s job

Getting More from Your Wii

There are many things you normally do with your Wii. You can play with it, Sing with it, Get fit with it. Lots of things.  But have you ever wanted to do MORE. get more fun with your Wii? This is the kind of questions a "Hacker" will often ask....

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