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Latest News and Blog Posts from Wayne “Pendragon” Owens.

Year of a Busy Mason [2] The first Month

Well the first month of the Masonic season has now ended.

As I look back on September, I am reminded why I started the “Year of a Busy Mason” last year. September is always a busy month. At least this year I have not visited anywhere yet, although that will change soon.

I have been to 6 meetings over 3 orders in 4 Masonic Halls, On top of that there has been 5 rehearsals, and 2 committee meeting. Which if my math is correct equals 12 evening (2 events were on the same day) which makes you think about the joke that masonry is just 8 evenings a year.


BBW – Talk for Gwerswult Scouts and Cubs

This evening Neville Owens, Hugh Jackson, and Myself went along to visit the Gwerswult Scouts and Cubs to give tell them a little bit on what Blood Bikes Wales do.

They were very well behaved, and asked a lot of interesting questions.

The Scouts gave us a donation of £50, and have said they will do a fundraising event in aid of Blood Bikes Wales next summer. Probably a sponsored hike or similar, which we have promised to turn up mid way with water and a Blood Bike to show our thanks.

Blood Bikes Wales

Blood Bikes Wales is a charity that transports blood, plasma, platelets, samples, vaccines, donor breast-milk & any other urgently required medical items to hospitals at night, weekends and bank holidays. This service is provided completely free of charge, allowing the NHS to divert funds where they are needed most.

Our riders are a hardy bunch that operate in all but the very worst weather.

Repost – When is a Troll not a Troll?

When its a Bully.

The Internet is full of terms and names that date way back into the mists of Internet-Time, when all these sites were tree’s and the Internet Denizens roamed and grazed in peace. A Time when you could use a term like “Hacker” or “Spod” or “Newbie” and people would know exactly what it meant.

But alas, we now live in a time where the Net has been bulldozed down to make way for cheap malls, and playgrounds, The Denizens have scattered and hide in reservations trying to maintain and uphold the rich history of their land.

But keeping hold of the True meaning of Net-Speak, Terms and names is getting harder and harder as the general media keep doing poorly researched articles misusing Net-Terms. And then the newer Net-Denizens think that’s the real meaning of the terms, and Ignorance of the poorly researched articles is propagated.

Reporters, stop jumping on terms for the wow factor to increase the affect of your poor articles. Take for instance the term “Hacker” it used to mean something, a badge of respect implying a certain level of knowledge or skill, but now? All the press have been on about for the last year or so is the “Phone Hacking Scandals” Hacking? Some people dialled the voice-mail phone number and listened to recorded messages, something anyone can do because no one ever sets their password. Really you think someone who can’t use a computer but who can make a phone call is a Hacker?

Learn the meaning of the words you use….

Now we have loads and loads about “Trolls” Now the Denizens will tell you something along the lines of someone posting a comment/message/etc in the attempt to catch someone into a fight, flame war, or to simply hijack a legitimate thread/conversation. (Based on the term “Trolling”: Trolling may describe the fishing technique of slowly dragging a lure or baited hook from a moving boat”), the best way to deal with these people is to ignore them because without attention the go away, hence the oft used phrase “do not feed the trolls

But, the popular press has decided the name Troll relates to anyone bullying others on-line. So if someone gets a death threat they are being trolled, Err. No, they are being bullied and threatened and the person doing the threats should be hit with the full force of the law for bullying or threatening behaviour!

There are calls for new laws to be made to deal with “trolls” but WHY? we already have laws against people making threats? ignore the fact its online, deal with the base crime as if the person had sent them a note with the threat. Giving the Bullies the name Troll is making it seem like a lesser crime, as if “Oh they only threatened them online”

Its like stealing a car and driving it around really fast damaging the car, we call it “Joy Riding”? that makes it sound fun and ok. It should be called “theft, vandalism, etc”


So can we please start referring to things and people for what they really are, and stop trying to mutate existing net-terms because it makes better print in a newspaper story?

They are not Trolls.

They are Cowards, Bully’s.

They are guilty of threatening behaviour.

Lets stop giving them a badge of honour. I have heard people boast “Oh I trolled X good

Lets call them what they are, Lets hold them up to the light of day and say “you are a bully” and deal with them accordingly.




Reposted, because with the state that Social Media and the Internet have gotten itself into, it needs to be resaid.

Trolls are just cowardly bullies. If you find yourself being bullied online:-

Speak out! – Tell Someone – Failing that, reach out to me on any Social Media, I will happily help.

Coronatio Quadrans – “What is the Significance of Portals in Freemasonry”

Coronation Lodge No. 2927 has a quarterly Masonic Publication associated with it called Coronatio Quadrans, or CQ for short.

One part of the publication is “Question from the Master” This is where the Lodge’s Worshipful Master asks a esoteric or masonic question to the Lodge Mentor who will answer it in an article in the next edition. After the Mentor answers the question, the “Question” is thrown open to all, and anyone can try and answer it themselves anonymously. The CQ Editors will read all the submissions and pick the best which gets published in CQ.

The Question in CQ2 was “What is the Significance of Portals in Freemasonry?” The question intrigued me, especially since the Mentor’s answer was “there are no portals in Freemasonry.” I therefore decided to throw my hat into the ring and anonymously answer the question.

It turns out I won.

What did you win?” you ask, (yes I heard you. I have explained in an old blog post, I can hear you when you speak out loud while reading this site).

Well my prize is that I get to write an article on any topic of my choice, and it will get published in the next edition of CQ.


Think of the power. I can write about anything and it will automatically be published and circulated to all the people who read CQ. Due to this power, I decided to do the only responsible and sensible thing I could. I asked Twitter (I will never call it X) to give me the topic of my article.

Rosicrucian Deja Vu

Last night while out at the Bishop Wilkins College SRIA meeting, during the festive board I had an interesting Deja Vu moment.


Friday 13th September 2024

  • Rosicrucian Based Order.
  • Stood up as Past Sovereign to toast current Sovereign.
  • Current Sovereign was in last meeting in the role.
  • Current Sovereign Did two years due to circumstances.
  • Previously I did 4 years as Sovereign.
  • I followed M. Steggles into the chair.

Tuesday 17th September 2024

  • Rosicrucian Based Order.
  • Stood up as Past Celebrant to toast current Celebrant.
  • Current Celebrant was in last meeting in the role.
  • Current Celebrant Did two years due to circumstances.
  • Previously I did 4 years as Celebrant.
  • I followed M. Steggles into the chair.

Some say that life is random and just barely contained chaos. But I think this shows that there is some order in the chaos, if you are willing to look for it.


BBW – Sams Cafe Fundraising Weekend Cheque Presentation

Sam’s Cafe had one of their week long fundraising events in aid of Blood Bikes Wales.

The week had ended, and all the monies counted up and made ready, and since the sun was shining and all the Bikers were out We decided to pop along to collect the money and thank them again for their constant and great support. And yes, we may again have tested their bacon baps which still pass the grade.

This year they beat their previous best and raised an amazing £800 for Blood Bikes Wales. We can not say how grateful we are to them.


Blood Bikes Wales

Blood Bikes Wales is a charity that transports blood, plasma, platelets, samples, vaccines, donor breast-milk & any other urgently required medical items to hospitals at night, weekends and bank holidays. This service is provided completely free of charge, allowing the NHS to divert funds where they are needed most.

Our riders are a hardy bunch that operate in all but the very worst weather.

BBW – A Talk to the Broughton District History Group

This morning Nev, Hugh, John, and Myself went along to Broughton District History Group to give a talk on “The Story of Blood Bikes”.
The talk went down very well, and the Group gave us a donation of £45 which was increased by a bucket collection to a total of £216.06.
We even collected some future talk bookings for other groups.

Blood Bikes Wales

Blood Bikes Wales is a charity that transports blood, plasma, platelets, samples, vaccines, donor breast-milk & any other urgently required medical items to hospitals at night, weekends and bank holidays. This service is provided completely free of charge, allowing the NHS to divert funds where they are needed most.

Our riders are a hardy bunch that operate in all but the very worst weather.

The Year of a Busy Mason (TYoaBM[2])

The Masonic year tends to run from September until June, with July and August being our summer break. There are of course exceptions to every rule, and we do have the occasional summer meeting, but the majority runs from September-June.

To continue the trend I started last year, I have decided to blog a record of all my meetings this year, to give people an idea of what a busy Masonic year is like. I should point out that the average commitment to Freemasonry is a lot less than what I will be recording. I just imagined it may be of interest to some people. There are a lot of Freemasons who without visiting just have around eight meetings, and eight rehearsals a year.

So come along with me on a journey.


BBW – Sams Cafe Fundraising Weekend

Sam’s Cafe is once again having one of their week long fundraising events in aid of Blood Bikes Wales.

So since the sun was shining and all the Bikers were out and about on Saturday, we decided to pop along to help support the event (Edit: And to enjoy the bikes while drinking coffee). 

Blood Bikes Wales

Blood Bikes Wales is a charity that transports blood, plasma, platelets, samples, vaccines, donor breast-milk & any other urgently required medical items to hospitals at night, weekends and bank holidays. This service is provided completely free of charge, allowing the NHS to divert funds where they are needed most.

Our riders are a hardy bunch that operate in all but the very worst weather.

BBW – Donation from Berwyn Lodge

Today Nev, Hugh, Myself and the Duty Rider Chris popped along to the Maesgwyn Masonic Hall in Wrexham To meet up with members of Berwyn Lodge No. 7361.

Their Worshipful Master and his good lady (Paul & Velda) recently held a Ladies Night which raised money for both Blood Bikes Wales and the RNLI.

Paul & Velda, accompanied by John & Sue came along today to present us (Blood Bikes Wales) with a cheque for £600.

This is the third time Berwyn have given Blood Bikes Wales a nice donation from money raised at one of their Ladies Nights. We would really like to thank them for their continued support.