Welcome to my Blog

This is actually Version 4 of my blog. 

  • Version 1: Was hand coded posts on my original Website back in the early 90’s before the term Blog was even invented.
  • Version 2: Was on Livejournal
  • Version 3: Was on the three-Ninjas site
  • Version 4: (And hopefully final version) is here!


There are some series of posts that go together. You can access them directly with the links below.

Saved by the Snowmen

Saved by the Snowmen

After months and months of constant rain the country is about as water logged as it can be, for a while now it has only taken a couple of hours light rain to cause flooding all over the place. So with the ground already to capacity, there has been...

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Inmates Assemble

Inmates Assemble

Last night some of the Inmates at the asylum staged an escape, we went over the tunnel and through the wire before making a mad run through torrential rain into England for FREEEEEEEDOM and the Avengers movie. The escapees consisted of, DemonPengu,...

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Vaginal Fantasy Hangout

Vaginal Fantasy Hangout

“Once a month four ladies discuss a Vaginal Fantasy book in a G+ Hangout. Interpret at will.” That's the premise of this group off their website, and basically that's what it is. Two months back Felicia Day, Bonnie Burton, Veronica Belmont and...

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Spock Is Not Impressed

Spock Is Not Impressed

Sean Bonner Made a Thing “http://spockisnotimpressed.tumblr.com/” Wil Wheaton suggested it get made “A Thing”, The Internetz Agreed and “A Thing” has been born.(This is a retouched copy of My contribution to The Thing. Original one was a quick five...

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Inmates Assemble

Review – The Cape Pt 2

I have now finished watching “The Cape” and as such I need to revisit and update my review of the show. If you recall the original Review you will no doubt remember that I said “Anyone who likes action shows, or superhero shows will Like this show...

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Inmates Assemble

RTL: The Cape

The last couple of nights I’ve been watching “The Cape”, I’m about halfway through the series. (Well Technically I am exactly half way through having watched 5 of 10 episodes). And since this show is starting on UK television next week, I thought...

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Inmates Assemble

Review – Green Lantern

Before I review the Green Lantern film, I should point out my history with the Character. I personally think this is an important fact that should be supplied before people review comic inspired movies. Since Your prior experience will affect your...

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