Wayne was born at a very early age and has not died yet, which is something he considers to be a bit of an achievement.

He joined Freemasonry in 2006, went into the chair for the first time in 2011, and started giving talks across several Provinces in early 2017, before joining NWAMS as a speaker in 2021.

He Is an accidentally established Masonic author and has had articles published in several Masonic and non-Masonic periodicals.

by Wayne Pendragon Owens

I am an Author, Freemason, Rosicrucian, Blood Biker, Widows Son, CodeNinja, Spod, Hacker, Son, Uncle, Brother, Man, AN INDIVIDUAL!

11th July 2011

RTL: The Cape

The last couple of nights I’ve been watching “The Cape”, I’m about halfway through the series. (Well Technically I am exactly half way through having watched 5 of 10 episodes). And since this show is starting on UK television next week, I thought I’d review what I’ve seen so far to aid people deciding if they want to watch it or not.

For those of you who have not seen any of the trailers, or heard anything about this show I guess I better give you a quick plot outline.

The series follows Vince Faraday, a police officer in the fictional Palm City, who is framed for a series of crimes committed by a mysterious villain named Chess and is left for dead after being caught. He is taken in by Max Malini, the ringleader of a circus who trains him with the special abilities of a superhero. Determined to clear his name and be reunited with his family, Faraday takes on the guise of his son’s favorite comic book hero, the Cape

Basically Good cop in a city of dirty cops, gets disillusioned and tries to make a difference. He’s set up by his best friend, framed as the master villain, and left for dead. Luckily he is rescued by “The Carnival of Crime” a bunch of circus performers who use their skills to rob banks. They teach him their skills, equip him with a almost magical cloak, and help? him clear his name and bring down the real criminal mastermind.

Now as I stated I am half way through the series and I am enjoying it immensely, it has both the necessary action mixed with the correct amount of comedy to make it a very enjoyable series. For example, The cape foils a stickup in a store, the owner thanks him and asks is he some kind of super hero, to which the Cape replies “I’m The Cape!” the store owner looks at him and replies “you can work on the name“.

Anyone who likes action shows, or superhero shows will Like this show a lot. Unless maybe you are a worshipper of the Dark Knight, where you may see this as a poorly done rip off. You disagree? Lets compare :-.

Batman: A normal man who’s trained up his body and mind to fight crime in a corrupt city while dressed in black with a mask & cape.

The Cape: A normal man who’s trained up his body and mind to fight crime in a corrupt city while dressed in black with a mask & cape.

Batman: Dedicated to bring down evil after the loss of his family.

The Cape: Dedicated to bring down evil after the loss of his family.

Batman: A great Detective

The Cape: An actual Police Detective

Batman: Trained by Ra’s Al Ghul who was the leader of  technically evil group.

The Cape: Trained by Max Malini who was the leader of  technically evil group.

Batman: Villain Two Face. A split personality criminal D.A/Criminal mastermind

The Cape: Villain Chess. A split personality criminal Business Man/Criminal mastermind

Batman: Aided by a young girl (daughter of another character) who’s an expert with computers & hacking & technology (Oracle)

The Cape: Aided by a young girl (daughter of another character) who’s an expert with computers & hacking & technology (Orwell)

Batman: Quote “Make sure you wear the mask and that the mask doesn’t wear you”

The Cape: Quote “Make sure you wear the cape and that the cape doesn’t wear you”

The List goes on…

This Article was 1st posted @ rocktheLAN.com