Greetings & Salutations!

Welcome to my new website. As you can see its actually under development at the minute and there is not much to see here.

Feel free to pop back later to see how it progresses.

The Year of a Busy Mason

The Masonic year tends to run from September until June, with July and August being our summer break. There are of course exceptions to every rule, and we do have the occasional summer meeting, but the majority runs September-June.  I have therefore decided to write a blog series to record of all my meetings in the 2023-24 Masonic year, to give people an idea of what a busy Masonic year is like.

So come along with me on a journey.

Recent News & Blog Posts

TYoaBM[2] – The History of the Rose Croix

This evening I visited Cambria Chapter Rose Croix for the first time ever. An email had gone out to all the Chapters in the District informing everyone about the meeting, and that the Inspector General was going to be giving a talk on the history of the order.  Three...

This post has been brought to you by the Number 2.

The number 2 has several unique and fascinating qualities: Prime Number: It's the only even prime number. All other even numbers can be divided by 2, making them non-prime. Binary System: In computing, the binary system (base-2) uses only two digits: 0 and 2. This...

TYoaBM[2] – The first Visit of 2025

This Morning I went along to Ruthin to visit Old Ruthinain Lodge. I enjoy visiting here, because not only do they meet in a quaint little temple up in the cloisters, but they are a great bunch of people. Today they were doing an enactment of a second degree (I know...

TYoaBM[2] – Reenactments & Rugby

Today was a bit of a panic. It was both Wrexhamian Lodge's meeting, and the start of the 6 Nations rugby competition, and Wales were kicking off the season. Apparently we had a second degree practice, because we have a candidate next month and they want to do a second...

TYoaBM[2] – Royal Promoters of The Art

This evening was the meeting of the Maesgwyn Lodge of Installed Masters. We had a talk from W.Bro. Duncan Nield PAGStdB ProvGMen entitled: “Royal Promoters of The Art.” Which was a 25 minute entertaining talk summerising some unusual features of the masonic journeys...

TYoaBM[2] – The First Meeting of 2025

This morning was my first actual meeting of 2025.  It was the meeting of the North Wales Lodge of Provincial Grand Stewards. The meeting was held at Elwy Hall Rhyl, and after a couple of days of the country being battered by storms, the clouds opened and we had a...