Greetings & Salutations!

Welcome to my new website. As you can see its actually under development at the minute and there is not much to see here.

Feel free to pop back later to see how it progresses.

The Year of a Busy Mason

The Masonic year tends to run from September until June, with July and August being our summer break. There are of course exceptions to every rule, and we do have the occasional summer meeting, but the majority runs September-June.  I have therefore decided to write a blog series to record of all my meetings in the 2023-24 Masonic year, to give people an idea of what a busy Masonic year is like.

So come along with me on a journey.

Recent News & Blog Posts

TYoaBM[2] – Triskaidekaphobia at Clwyd

This evening was the meeting of Clwyd College. It was a very enjoyable (if a bit busy) evening. Due to Grampa Geoff being off galivanting around the globe, I stood in as Chaplin for the evening, on top of my roles as Conductor of Novices, and Director of Studies. We...

TYoaBM[2] – Wrexhamian Lodge Beer Squared

This evening was Wrexhamian Lodge. We had a new candidate, and he is a very useful candidate because he is a Landlord. It is always good to make friends with local publicans. Especially ones who run pubs you frequent. The meeting went well, albeit a bit confusing...

TYoaBM[2] – Coronatio Quadrans Talk 2

This evening was the Coronatio Quadrans Lecture. W.Bro The Revd Roger Quick. Provincial Grand Chaplin of Yorkshire West Riding delivered a talk on the subject of "The Need to be Properly Prepared Before Embarking on Masonic Mediation". where he investigated the...

TYoaBM[2] – Additional Committee Meeting

To continue the trend of Wrexhamian Chapter now having an additional rehearsal, this evening we had an additional Committee meeting. I say it was an additional one, because we had it to discuss next years officer list, and who was doing what part of the lectures next...

TYoaBM[2] – Visit to Shrewsbury

This morning I got up early, and headed down south into England to visit Charles Darwin College in Shrewsbury. I arrived at the Masonic Hall in Shrewsbury to find the carpark closed off so we had to park in the treelined area to the side of the building amongst the...

TYoaBM[2] – Still Missing Rehearsals

This evening was Wrexhamian Lodge's rehearsals. I am still skipping these since they are being organised in secret, so there is no chance of helping out or doing any part since it is being planned in secret with even members of other Lodges being given roles before...