Your there warm and comfortable in bed, semi awake, at peace with the world. Then.

“Mutter, WTF!!! arrghhh… Whys my alarm going off on a Sunday morning!“
Grab phone, silence alarm, and stare at phone in accusation, how dare it wake me up on a Sunday, Why do i have an actual sound of an alarm as my wake up noise, and more important, why is my phone saying its Monday??
“I was installing stuff on it last night, Have I reset the date/time? what have I done now? stupid thing!……. err hang, wasn’t it Sunday yesterday, which means its Monday today. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!”
So far, Things are not looking auspicious for a good day. But look on the bright side, good foot forward, and on for the day!
Then there was the commute into work, which is normally a nice trip in, but not today. No, Today I get hit with several sets of roadworks, tractors, JCB’s and for half the trip fog making visibility down to 2 meters, so everyone travels at 10mph……….
I hate Mondays!