This evening was the meeting of Wrexhamian Chapter.
It was a very enjoyable evening, our new candidate was a member of Wrexhamian Lodge so we went above and beyond to make sure it was a good ceremony for him. And everything seemed to go ok, both with the ceremony and the two lectures we had. And since there was no parties on downstairs, we did not have a load of music distracting us, which always helps.
I should point out, we were only down a few members due to it being Valentines Day, and some more came for the meeting and then had to shoot off and skip the meal to try and recover the day.
The festive board was enjoyable for once, since we were actually in the dining hall. The food was great, and the evening was full of conversation, and plotting.
We even stayed back for a bit for drinks after the event, forming a small circle with chairs.
Update Count:- Attended/Total
18/19 – Meetings
5/5 – Visits
12/13 – Rehearsals
4/4 – Committee
1/1 – Group Meeting
2/3 – AGM’s
Masonic Halls – 9

The Holy Royal Arch (Royal Arch)
Administration of the Royal Arch and its Chapters has been entrusted by UGLE to the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England.
Joining the Royal Arch (or 'Chapter') is the fourth and final stage in Pure Antient Masonry, as defined in the Act of Union of 1813 that created the current United Grand Lodge of England.
Anyone who has been a Master Mason for four weeks can join—and should aspire to join the Royal Arch, because becoming a Companion of the Order continues their voyage of discovery