by Wayne Pendragon Owens

I am an Author, Freemason, Rosicrucian, Blood Biker, Widows Son, CodeNinja, Spod, Hacker, Son, Uncle, Brother, Man, AN INDIVIDUAL!

13th September 2024

TYoaBM[2] – More Rosicrucian Meetings

This evening I attended Valle Crucis Rose Croix.

I spent the evening juggling hats. I started off as my Joint role of Immediate Past Sovereign and Assistant DC.  (Hat count: 2)

Unfortunately just before the meeting started we heard the Marshal was stuck in traffic and running a bit late, so I stood in for him during the balloting for our new candidate. (Hat count: 3)

The intermediate degrees were done fantastically for the first time by fellow Blood Biker Hugh. It is great how the new 2024 ritual allows more work to be available for those who have not entered the chair yet.

Then it was on to the Dark room, and it turns out the Sovereign was not doing that, so I had to stand in to do it (with the new ritual that I had never done before). (Hat count: 4)

We were short on officers due to a clash with another event, so I quickly stood at the door to act as Captain of the Guard to prevent the Candidate passing. (Hat count: 5)

Then the rest of the evening went along fine, and I had nothing else to do. It was overall an enjoyable evening, Our new member (Another Blood Biker, yes we are taking over) had a great time.

Now to relax…

Until tomorrow when it is time to return to put all the furniture away, and clean up. Then prepare for Monday’s Rehearsals, Tuesday’s meeting, and Wednesdays Committee meeting. 

Update Count:- Attended/Total
3/3 – Meetings
0/0 – Visits
1/1 – Rehearsals
0/0 – Committee
0/0 – AGM’s

Masonic Halls – 3

The Ancient and Accepted Rite (Rose Croix)

The Ancient and Accepted Rite originated in France in 1754 and worked in the USA where a Supreme Council was formed in 1801.

The Supreme Council for England and Wales was established in 1845 under a patent from the Supreme Council of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America. The Rite consists of its own 33 Degrees entirely separate and distinct from any other Order.

The three Craft Degrees are accepted as equivalent to the first 3 Degrees of this Rite. Candidates for Perfection are taken from the 4º to 17º Degrees by name only, prior to being made Excellent and Perfect Princes Rose Croix in a detailed and beautiful 18º Degree ceremony. This is the only degree permitted to be worked in a private Rose Croix Chapter. Degrees above the 18º are awarded on merit after a brother has passed the Chair of his Chapter.

For more information on the Order of The Ancient and Accepted Rite, please click on the link to the Supreme Council website.