I am finished with meetings for the year!
This evening was the Installation meeting of Clwyd College S.R.I.A. and my last Masonic meeting of the year. I now get a couple of months off before everything restarts in September.
I think because most things have already closed down, we had a higher number of visitors in attendance, the room was looking quite full.
We started the evening with welcoming a new Zelator into the society, with a very enjoyable ceremony.

We then installed R.W. Fra. Steven Markham 9° PHC into the chair of the college, and I got to step down.
I am now not in the chair of anything at all. Let’s see if I can beat my previous record of going 4 weeks not in the chair.
was appointed Director of Studies, and Conductor of Novices.
Update Count:- Attended/Total
32/35 – Meetings
09/09 – Visits
20/24 – Rehearsals
11/13 – Committee
05/05 – AGM’s
01/01 – Social
Masonic Halls – 15

Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (S.R.I.A.)
The Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (S.R.I.A.) stands as the world’s oldest independent society of Rosicrucian Freemasons, proudly composed of Master Masons from Lodges acknowledged by the United Grand Lodge of England.
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