The masonic year has ended!
So the year of a a busy Mason has come to an end, and how busy did it turn out to be? Well I went to 41 meetings of which 9 were visits across 15 Masonic Halls. I attended 20 rehearsals, 11 committee meetings, 5 AGM’s and 2 social events. I did unfortunately have to miss 3 meetings, 4 rehearsals, and 2 committee meetings. So all together 79 events, which is what happens when you get a busy year and the “It’s only 8 nights a year” goes out the window.
But it was a great year, I stood down form some roles, stayed in others, and got some new ones.
I now get a couple of months holiday from all things Masonic. Unless you count the Secretary and Director of Studies work that can pop up at any time during the year.
Update Count:- Attended/Total
32/35 – Meetings
09/09 – Visits
20/24 – Rehearsals
11/13 – Committee
05/05 – AGM’s
02/03 – Social
Masonic Halls – 15