This evening I attended The North Wales Lodge of Installed Masters No 8615 on Anglesey to present a talk on the Widows Sons Masonic Bikers Association.
Because this was an Installed Masters Lodge, and all they do is have speakers come along and give talks, I decided I needed to up my game. I therefore wrote a new talk on the Widows Sons.
This new talk was :-
Widows Sons – Outlaw Bikers or Ambassadors of Freemasonry
“An introduction to the history of the Widows Sons Masonic Bikers Association, and an explanation of how they promote Freemasonry, help the community, do charitable work, all whilst just doing what they love”
The weather was torrential rain (Well it was on Anglesey) but it was a very enjoyable evening. And in appreciation of the talk the members of the North Wales Lodge of I.M. voted to donate the money from the Festive Board’s raffle to a Charity of the my choice.
The raffle raised £172 which was donated to Blood Bikes Wales in the Lodges name.

Talk: Widows Sons – Outlaw Bikers or Ambassadors of Freemasonry
Location: North Wales Lodge of Installed Masters –
Date: 12/11/2018