Welcome to my Blog

This is actually Version 4 of my blog. 

  • Version 1: Was hand coded posts on my original Website back in the early 90’s before the term Blog was even invented.
  • Version 2: Was on Livejournal
  • Version 3: Was on the three-Ninjas site
  • Version 4: (And hopefully final version) is here!


There are some series of posts that go together. You can access them directly with the links below.

Saved by the Snowmen

Saved by the Snowmen

After months and months of constant rain the country is about as water logged as it can be, for a while now it has only taken a couple of hours light rain to cause flooding all over the place. So with the ground already to capacity, there has been...

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Hurricane Katia 0: Ninja Temple 1

Hurricane Katia 0: Ninja Temple 1

The start of this week saw parts of Wales hit with edges of Hurricane Katia, there was flooding, damage, cats and dogs raining from the sky, the four horsemen of the apocalypse started to saddle thier horses up ready to fly only to have to stand...

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Hurricane Katia 0: Ninja Temple 1

Schrodinger’s Snow

I have a new theory! R: “You say you have a new theory about the brontosaurus.?“ W: “errr No. I said I had a new theory! nobody mentioned a brontosaurus.“ R: “Right, Got You… So What’s your theory about the brontosaurus.?“ W: “Arrrrrggghhhhh!”...

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Saved by the Snowmen

I saw the Devil ice-skating to work

I have been thinking, and am a bit confused. R: “A Bit?“ W: “OK. I’m often confused. I just figured I’d type out my confusion and at the same time send out a call to arms!.” For the last several years you would have to have been living as a hermit...

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Hurricane Katia 0: Ninja Temple 1

So, what’s the fox urine for?

Snow… Snow… Snow… All I can see is snow.  The worlds covered in a thick blanket of fluffy white snow almost a foot deep. Now this was a beautiful and wondrous thing for the first few days, but now? After over a week of being trapped indoors, unable...

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It is 14th Century Japan!

It is 14th Century Japan!

Well I bravely battled the winds, the rain, the fallen trees, closed roads, and other dangers to make it to the dojo for training last night. Well, I braved all that after leaving the office early (Well tis hard to work in IT with no power) to get...

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It is 14th Century Japan!

FCMA: Weather V Ninjas

  It is like the age old question, Ninjas V Pirates, but with less Pirates, and more rain! The weather is having an effect on the dojo atm. The cold, rain, and wind is for some unknown reason making people think twice about going to train in a...

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Hurricane Katia 0: Ninja Temple 1

The Storm Aproaches

We have needed a storm to try and and take away some of the oppressive heat, We have prayed for it, we have dusted off the old shamanic gear and done the rain dance. (or didn’t but why let reality ruin a good post!). Earlier on the heavens opened...

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