Welcome to my Blog

This is actually Version 4 of my blog. 

  • Version 1: Was hand coded posts on my original Website back in the early 90’s before the term Blog was even invented.
  • Version 2: Was on Livejournal
  • Version 3: Was on the three-Ninjas site
  • Version 4: (And hopefully final version) is here!


There are some series of posts that go together. You can access them directly with the links below.

Full House: What do I win?

Full House: What do I win?

I am a gamer, and always have been. Due to a very lucky (for me) set of events at the weekend I now have a PS3. (On top of having a XBOX 360, Wii, PS2, DS, Saga Mega Drive, etc.) My eldest Nephew decided to watch a film with his girlfriend Saturday...

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Full House: What do I win?

Dead Space – Atmospheric Madness

I know its a slightly old game, and I’m a bit late playing it for the first time. In my defense I did have a slight addiction to re5, l4d, and cod5waw for a while so I am a tad behind on games. So seeing “Dead Space” on sale online for under £10...

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Full House: What do I win?

The cake is a lie?

Cake or death? Uh, cake please. All right… You, cake or death? Cake please! Here. Next! You, cake or death? Death please. No, cake! You said death first! I know, but I meant cake! Oh, all right. You’re lucky we’re Church of England… You, cake or...

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Micro$oft 0: WayneOwens 1

Micro$oft 0: WayneOwens 1

Tales of My delve into the world of Micro$oft repair work. I had put out requests during the day yesterday for the parts I needed to repair my X-Box, and rectify the inherited design flaw of the system. So I had a half dozen M4 bolts (always get...

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The Dreaded 1RLOD

The Dreaded 1RLOD

So I have a free evening with no plans, nothing urgent requiring my attention, so have the opportunity to go a bit further on re5.  Time to try and get past the heavily armed zombies who had me pinned down with their machine gun fire when I last...

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Full House: What do I win?

Wayne + shotgun + Infected = Happy

Friday the 13th saw not only the Knights Templar’s keeping a low profile, but the release of Resident Evil 5! Saturday morning (This being first available chance since I was busy Friday evening.), I shot to my nearest town and hunted down a copy of...

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