Welcome to my Blog

This is actually Version 4 of my blog. 

  • Version 1: Was hand coded posts on my original Website back in the early 90’s before the term Blog was even invented.
  • Version 2: Was on Livejournal
  • Version 3: Was on the three-Ninjas site
  • Version 4: (And hopefully final version) is here!


There are some series of posts that go together. You can access them directly with the links below.

Never bet against a Geek

Never bet against a Geek

I have been sorting out the To-Sort folders on my machines, it’s a job you can tell is long overdue by the recursive To-Sort folders that have moved from long dead machines to the To-Sort folders of newer machines. In one of these long distant...

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Time Travel & The Tardis

Time Travel & The Tardis

The overall theme of the weekend was “Time Travel“, And not just in the way Adults seem to travel back to their youth when presented with Chocolate Easter Eggs. Neither was it purely because the new season of Doctor Who started back up on Saturday...

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From the Archive: Were Ninja

From the Archive: Were Ninja

We at the Insane Asylum have been running some updates on our antiquated control systems, and during this update I had cause to check the Polychronicon that is the Asylums Wiki.  While trying to find the list of perl modules we need to re-install...

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Time Travel & The Tardis

National Nostalgia Week

Is it “National Nostalgia Week” or something? Is there such an event? If so, Why was I not informed? If there is, how would the organisers control peoples memories? If you have bad remembrances can you get a refund?   These and other pointless...

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Never bet against a Geek

Hackers 1 : Network Admin 0

I forget exactly when this incident happened. I do remember it was towards the end of the University season (either the year end, or midway). It was in my second to last year in University, and everyone was rushing about trying to finish papers,...

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