Welcome to my Blog

This is actually Version 4 of my blog. 

  • Version 1: Was hand coded posts on my original Website back in the early 90’s before the term Blog was even invented.
  • Version 2: Was on Livejournal
  • Version 3: Was on the three-Ninjas site
  • Version 4: (And hopefully final version) is here!


There are some series of posts that go together. You can access them directly with the links below.

Battle to be The King of Idiots

Battle to be The King of Idiots

This week at the Asylum has been a bit weird (And I mean weirder than normal) We’ve had two customers fighting to be crowned “The King of Idiots.” Now you would not think that was a title anyone would actively seek out, but I swear the two...

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Battle to be The King of Idiots

BT has killed my will to live.

I am sat here, feet on desk, phone resting on my shoulder trying to work out if I can slash my wrists with a business card. Why you ask? Well to fully explain I need to go back over a hour, so sit comfortably and get ready for story time. The...

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Battle to be The King of Idiots

The Universe Hates me

I am on holiday this week.  A full week away from the Insane Asylum, work, customers or as I like to call them “The Bane of My Life“.  So far I’m still full of the festive cheer, festive beer, and festive treats.  I have been working my way through...

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Battle to be The King of Idiots

Off the Rails

When learning a new programming language, The Internet convention is to make a “Hello World” program.  For those of you none-coders out there, that is as simple as it sounds. A simple program to output the words “Hello World” onto your screen, or a...

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Laptop Problems

Laptop Problems

I recently decided to remove windows off my home laptop, and like the techie I am, I decided to do this without checking for driver compatibility.  I just jumped right in with the install (OK I will admit since my laptop has a hidden partition with...

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Battle to be The King of Idiots

NetIM BotNet – Part 2

Update time, for NetIM BotNet – Part 1. I have now got the project running on version control (subversion), so that I can keep track of changes, revert to working versions in the case of irrevocable coding errors. and ease of installing on multiple...

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Battle to be The King of Idiots

A Sisyphean task

Now a lot of people think that governments, or legal types thrive in pointless red tape, and the rest of us mere mortals are driven insane with the pointlessness of their tasks.  The truth is somewhat different, Busby* could teach these lovers of...

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