Welcome to my Blog

This is actually Version 4 of my blog. 

  • Version 1: Was hand coded posts on my original Website back in the early 90’s before the term Blog was even invented.
  • Version 2: Was on Livejournal
  • Version 3: Was on the three-Ninjas site
  • Version 4: (And hopefully final version) is here!


There are some series of posts that go together. You can access them directly with the links below.

CyberSecurityChallenge Cipher – Walkthrough

Britain’s Got Computer Talent.

On Monday the 26th July 2010 the UK Minister for Security Declares Cyber Security Challenge UK Open. The Cyber Security Challenge is a series of national online games and competitions that will test the cyber security abilities of individuals and...

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CyberSecurityChallenge Cipher – Walkthrough

Hackers 1 : Network Admin 0

I forget exactly when this incident happened. I do remember it was towards the end of the University season (either the year end, or midway). It was in my second to last year in University, and everyone was rushing about trying to finish papers,...

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CyberSecurityChallenge Cipher – Walkthrough

Reclaiming the word Hacker

As The Next HOPE draws near I figured now would be an appropriate time for me to say a few words about the misappropriation of the term “Hacker“. To quote Randal from Clerks II. “I’m taking it back” How often do you seen mention these days like :-...

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CyberSecurityChallenge Cipher – Walkthrough

Laptop Problems

I recently decided to remove windows off my home laptop, and like the techie I am, I decided to do this without checking for driver compatibility.  I just jumped right in with the install (OK I will admit since my laptop has a hidden partition with...

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CyberSecurityChallenge Cipher – Walkthrough

Hackers Are People Too

Hug a Hacker I’ve just finished watching the Documentary “Hackers are people Too” A documentary made by Hackers, about Hackers to try and correct the “misrepresentation” the Hacker community gets from the Press & Hollywood. All in all it was...

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CyberSecurityChallenge Cipher – Walkthrough

Micro$oft 0: WayneOwens 1

Tales of My delve into the world of Micro$oft repair work. I had put out requests during the day yesterday for the parts I needed to repair my X-Box, and rectify the inherited design flaw of the system. So I had a half dozen M4 bolts (always get...

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