Welcome to my Blog

This is actually Version 4 of my blog. 

  • Version 1: Was hand coded posts on my original Website back in the early 90’s before the term Blog was even invented.
  • Version 2: Was on Livejournal
  • Version 3: Was on the three-Ninjas site
  • Version 4: (And hopefully final version) is here!


There are some series of posts that go together. You can access them directly with the links below.



Hi Guys. March 30th is now booked to be “International TableTop Day“. What is “International TableTop Day“. I hear you ask? Well Basically it is an Internationally picked day for Gamers New, Old, or newly Interested to met up and play games. Yes, a...

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Never bet against a Geek

Never bet against a Geek

I have been sorting out the To-Sort folders on my machines, it’s a job you can tell is long overdue by the recursive To-Sort folders that have moved from long dead machines to the To-Sort folders of newer machines. In one of these long distant...

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Inmates Assemble

Inmates Assemble

Last night some of the Inmates at the asylum staged an escape, we went over the tunnel and through the wire before making a mad run through torrential rain into England for FREEEEEEEDOM and the Avengers movie. The escapees consisted of, DemonPengu,...

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Vaginal Fantasy Hangout

Vaginal Fantasy Hangout

“Once a month four ladies discuss a Vaginal Fantasy book in a G+ Hangout. Interpret at will.” That's the premise of this group off their website, and basically that's what it is. Two months back Felicia Day, Bonnie Burton, Veronica Belmont and...

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The Apple does not fall far from the Tree

Do Geeks Dream of Virtual Sheep?

I had an interesting dream last night, one that may give an interesting peak into my subconscious, or possibly suggest I should be kept under observation for safety reasons. Personally I think it simply backs up that age old quote for the Bible...

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The Apple does not fall far from the Tree

Spock Is Not Impressed

Sean Bonner Made a Thing “http://spockisnotimpressed.tumblr.com/” Wil Wheaton suggested it get made “A Thing”, The Internetz Agreed and “A Thing” has been born.(This is a retouched copy of My contribution to The Thing. Original one was a quick five...

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I am Man hear me Roar!

I am Man hear me Roar!

As I was on my commute home after work Friday I noticed my battery warning light was glowing. “By Jove, that’s a devilishly unfortunate occurrence!” I exclaimed (Well I think those may not have been the exact words used).Now I have had problems in...

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