Welcome to my Blog

This is actually Version 4 of my blog. 

  • Version 1: Was hand coded posts on my original Website back in the early 90’s before the term Blog was even invented.
  • Version 2: Was on Livejournal
  • Version 3: Was on the three-Ninjas site
  • Version 4: (And hopefully final version) is here!


There are some series of posts that go together. You can access them directly with the links below.

Don’t go out tonight, It’s bound to take your life. There’s a bad moon on the rise.

Push the button….

My finger is on the buttonMy finger is on the buttonMy finger is on the buttonPush the buttonThe time has come to…    GalvanizeGalvanize By The Chemical Brothers… Sunday night I went to the cinema with friends to watch “The Box“. I wanted to see...

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WARNING! May Contain Nuts.

WARNING! May Contain Nuts.

So I was watching a Documentary style film the other night. It was called “New World Order” and was about a bunch of different well known Conspiracy Nuts, as they campaigned against the “Bilderberg Group” and the “New World Order“. It was an...

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Don’t go out tonight, It’s bound to take your life. There’s a bad moon on the rise.

Jesus Christ – Vampire Hunter

Last night I watched a very weird film, in fact when I spotted the film mentioned I thought it had to be a mistake. What was that film? “Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter” I suppose the name should have said it all really! It is classified as a “Kung-Fu...

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Don’t go out tonight, It’s bound to take your life. There’s a bad moon on the rise.

There Can Be Only One!

Unless you are the Highlander, and suffer from an endless stream of sequels! Here we go: - Highlander 1: Was a film that stood on its own as a decent film, in so much that it had a plot, followed a time line, and made sense. Not to mention the file...

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