NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft returned its first new images of Pluto on Wednesday, as the probe closes in on the dwarf PLANET.
WO: Yes it is a planet people, not a moon, not a Death Star, but a PLANET!!!!
One of the first photographs NASA released had a oddly shaped coloured patch covering a large chunk of pluto. You can see it in the bottom right of the photograph.
Does it look a bit familiar?

What if we outline the area a bit?
Now does the pattern remind you of anything?
Anything at all?
or Maybe anyone?

What if we add a bit of details to the outline?
Does that now look a bit like a dogs face?
A dog, or The Dog, Pluto
Damn you Disney and your secret Space exploration and marketing departments!!!
You are the biggest graffitist of all time!!!
But well played… Well played indeed…