The Five Count Box Set, is a nice simple pattern to learn. Its good for warming up with, It looks impressive and can be used with a variety of weapons without much of a mindkill.

- Stick
- Sword
- Machete
- Knife
- Open hand
- Han-Bo
But once you master them and are happy with it, then it should get easier.
That is until you start playing about with ideas, and get into the conversation with your fencing instructor. “Hum! I wonder if you could do the 5 count box set with a Bo” after all, there is not much difference between a small stick and a 6foot staff.
We’ve been working on the pattern for a week now, and have got it almost flowing smoothly, but its still in the mind killing stage.
So after spending an hour working on it tonight, what do we go and do to relax. Help someone set up a wireless, shared internet network in their house.
After many problems with getting a laptop to talk to the rest of the computers, and trying every configuration setting we could find, we discovered (Thanks to a quick phone call to a work colleague) that some laptops will say their wireless is activated, and working but they are lying. You have to turn them on, even though they say they are on.
How many mind kills can you fit into one day…. :0)
Ah well..
That which does not kill us, only makes us stronger!!