I have seen this on multiple friends LiveJournal’s, and other places all over the internet.
It looks nice, simple and safe. So the idea is, you type “[your name] likes to” into Google and list ten things the Internet thinks you like to do.
Oh but it gets worrying! There are some very strange Wayne’s out there, and they are not all me!
Wayne likes to relax by seducing pensioners.
Wayne likes to go deeper.
Wayne likes to eat his meals from a dog dish with chop sticks.
Wayne likes to rub fabulous feasts in the faces of the uninvited.
Wayne likes to say that his job is to help people catch fish by design, not by accident.
Wayne likes to say, “We’re in the business of helping others help others.”
Wayne likes to share his knowledge with others.
Wayne likes to hang out behind the band overlooking the DuPont Circle underpass.
Wayne likes to challenge his audiences to think outside the norm and to truly consider how and why they operate the way they do.
I think only 1 of them may apply to me. You can try and guess which one.