Well tonight ended my stint as Stand-In Instructor for the Full Circle Academy Fencing Class.
That sounds a lot more efficient and fancy than it actually was. I basically Let the Other Student’s practice any of the weapons/skills that they felt they wanted more practice on, and was just there to offer help, advice, and instruction as and when it was needed.

Tonight, we had an extra half hour sat by the heaters chatting.
On the positive side, I did start working on developing a version of the 5 count box set using two swords. I believe it can easily be done, there’s just a block or two where I’m unsure.
For example, the block against the stab attack, Is it better to change the block for a opposite to normal block, or to use one sword to block as you would with a single sword, and use the other to slice open the opponent’s arms?
I just need some madman to work it out with. Volunteers please?