Wayne was born at a very early age and has not died yet, which is something he considers to be a bit of an achievement.

He joined Freemasonry in 2006, went into the chair for the first time in 2011, and started giving talks across several Provinces in early 2017, before joining NWAMS as a speaker in 2021.

He Is an accidentally established Masonic author and has had articles published in several Masonic and non-Masonic periodicals.

by Wayne Pendragon Owens

I am an Author, Freemason, Rosicrucian, Blood Biker, Widows Son, CodeNinja, Spod, Hacker, Son, Uncle, Brother, Man, AN INDIVIDUAL!

9th January 2009

Busby Update – Part 2

Now as you are aware, I have not broken Busbys systems since going live with the project. I was thinking it was all flowing well and they had got “used” to me now, so the end of all my problems…

Then came the Christmas shutdown period, and I came back to work tried to log into the Busby firewall with my Activ-identity card, and eye scan, DNA tests, etc only to get told “Account Disabled“? Moi? Account Disabled, do they not know who I am?

So i drop an email to my contacts there asking wtf? and after my main technical contact tried everything he was capable off he admitted defeat and passed the problem up the food chain to the Sys.Admin. Which was nice of him… Then 30 minutes later I get an email from said Admin, along the lines of!

“We do not deal with user account problems, please go phone the normal customer helpline.”

Use the normal helpline, that the average mortal off the street would use? Do they not know who I am? We will see about that.

A further 30 minutes later and I get an email from the same sys.admin who had sent me the following.

“Hi, yes Our Boss was in a meeting earlier, and just popped in, err it seems we are authorised to help you with your problem, and err she asked could we do it as a priority, so ignore my earlier email, I’ll get it all sorted for you”

Harmony has returned to the Universe, Moi? The CodeNinja a mere mortal? I don’t think so.. ;o)

See dear Reader, It may sometimes be “what you know” but it is always “Who you know