Four score and seven years ago, or at least a long time ago (I forget the exact dates, since it was so long ago but I am thinking 2018), Blood Bikes Wales (NE) moved home to the Maesgwyn Hall Masonic Hall. We had a container setup as storage for our bikes and miscellaneous items.
It has been a great home for Blood Bikes, we even held our monthly meetings there before Covid changed the world. But all good things must come to an end, and the container has gone.
We bought a bigger container for us to use, and set it up at a new location. We have moved all our stuff, and the old container has been moved and re-purposed. We have no more links with the Maesgwyn, and a new era has begun.

It looks empty now.

Blood Bikes Wales
Blood Bikes Wales is a charity that transports blood, plasma, platelets, samples, vaccines, donor breast-milk & any other urgently required medical items to hospitals at night, weekends and bank holidays. This service is provided completely free of charge, allowing the NHS to divert funds where they are needed most.
Our riders are a hardy bunch that operate in all but the very worst weather.