Today I, popped along to a pub with Nev and Hugh to meet up with W.Bro Paul Smith.
We were there to have a pint, and to receive a donation of £200 from the Clwyd Lodge of Installed Masters for Blood Bikes Wales. I had a great time catching up, and discussing the great work the Freemasons do for Charity, and what the Provincial Almoner does. It was very educational.
While out we also received a bonus donation from Joyce Jackson and her friends for £95.

Pictured are Hugh, Paul, and Nev. (I am as always designated photographer)
(I have not included this in the Year of a Busy Mason series since I am here as a Blood Bikes Wales person and not a Mason.)

Blood Bikes Wales
Blood Bikes Wales is a charity that transports blood, plasma, platelets, samples, vaccines, donor breast-milk & any other urgently required medical items to hospitals at night, weekends and bank holidays. This service is provided completely free of charge, allowing the NHS to divert funds where they are needed most.
Our riders are a hardy bunch that operate in all but the very worst weather.