Wayne was born at a very early age and has not died yet, which is something he considers to be a bit of an achievement.

He joined Freemasonry in 2006, went into the chair for the first time in 2011, and started giving talks across several Provinces in early 2017, before joining NWAMS as a speaker in 2021.

He Is an accidentally established Masonic author and has had articles published in several Masonic and non-Masonic periodicals.

by Wayne Pendragon Owens

I am an Author, Freemason, Rosicrucian, Blood Biker, Widows Son, CodeNinja, Spod, Hacker, Son, Uncle, Brother, Man, AN INDIVIDUAL!

12th February 2024

Bag of Dungeon

I have recently been given a Bag of Dungeon to look at, so I have decided to give it a go single player. 


Bag of Dungeon is a dungeon crawling tile-based game harking back to the good old deadly days of exploring dungeons, slaying monsters and stealing treasure. It’s a simple-to-play tabletop game where 1-4 players send a party of adventurers into the ever-changing catacombs in a quest to find the Ring of Creation before escaping with their lives and their loot.

But can you trust your fellow adventurers? To begin with, you are all loyal to the quest and each other. But once the Ring is discovered it will cast a shadow of doubt and deceit over those who seek to steal it. You may decide that being a lone wolf is a far smarter choice than loyalty, even if it means the death of your former companions.

You will meet monsters, find treasure and use items to stay alive and escape with the Ring before the dungeon seals itself shut, imprisoning for all eternity anyone who remains.

The game has a simple but clever mechanic; great for young and/or new gamers to learn fast and take part while still giving more experienced gamers a satisfying time at the table. The game takes 20-60 minutes and changes every time you play.

—description from the publisher

I gave it a quick run-through, during which the Goddess of Luck was playing with me. I played with two characters, the Dwarf and the Elf. The Dwarf had an attack of 2d6+3 and on his first move found a chest which contained a +3battleaxe, and an attack bear, giving him a 3d6+6 (The end dragon only had a 4d6 attack). And since you can use an Action Point to pull your companion into the battle giving you a 1d6 extra, but me at 4d6+6 which decimated the Dragon.

So for this test I am going to play as just a single character.

I again picked Duric the Dwarf, who I have decided is wandering the Dungeon looking for shiny things. 

II set the bag up, and took my first move.

Round 1: The dungeon turned to the right and I encountered my first monster, which was a Goblin (1d6+1). The battle lasted one attack before I killed the monster and looted his body. I found a health potion which will come in very handy. I then advanced forward.

Round 2:   I advanced and ran into a Mummy (1d6+4) I have been lucky so far with only finding low level monsters. This battle was harder and I took 3 points of damage before I won. Looting the body I found a Loyal Bear (+1d6) which I have decided was chained up by the mummy and not in one of its pockets. Do mummy’s even have pockets?. Looking forward I could see a healing pool, which I used to heal my damage..

Round 3: The dungeon just twisted left and right as I made my way deeper and deeper into the dungeon.

Round 4: I came upon another Goblin (1d6+1) and the battle was a massacre. He rolled a 5+1 giving him 6. I rolled 2 6’s which was a critical hit giving me 24+3 and my bear rolled a 3. so 30 points of damage to his 5 health. I did get a nice teleport crystal which I believe may save my life at some point. I then continued along the tunnel and ran instantly into another Goblin (1d6+1) who again did not last more than 1 combat turn, I did get a nice set of steel armour from him.

Round 5:  The tunnel turned to the right and right again sending me back in the direction I had came from where I ran into my first tear 2 monster, a Skeleton (2d6+1). Defeating him gave me 2 items of loot, I got a Magic Shield and a bomb. My Dwarf is now inanly giggling while petting his holy hand grenade of baBoom! 

Round 6: I continued along the tunnel meeting another Mud Monster (2d6+2) who thanks to my bear stood no chance. Looting him I found a small chest which contained a +2 Magic Sword, and an Elven bow. Alas I now have too much equipment to carry, so I need to leave some items behind. I think I will leave the Bow because good Dwarves do not use flimsy Eleven weapons! and I will also leave behind the teleport crystal so that I can have a sword and shield.

Round 7: Moving on I arrived at a crossroads, and set of a trap of flying daggers. (2d6 damage) I rolled really bad and got 12 points of damage to my 11 health, or instant death! BUT! the Goddess of Luck was with me, my Armour and Magic Shield prevented 3 points of damage so I only lost 9 health, and the health potion I looted at the start of the dungeon healed me for 10 point. So I am back at full health after a very lucky save. 

Round 8: I used 3 of my actions to look in the 3 other directions of the crossroads, and I can see monsters in each direction. So with my last point I picked one at random and moved in to attack a Zombie (1d6+2) who my dwarf killed by chopping off its head with his magic sword. Looting gave me a Morning star, which my dwarf has decided is more dwarfy than a poncy magic sword, and so is swapping his weapon.

Round 9: Still exploring the monsters around the crossroads I encountered a Mirror Monster (Same Base as me 2d6+3) so Mirror-Dwarf V Dwarf+Bear+Morning star. I won without taking any damage thanks to my magic shield and armour. Looting set off a spear trap which gave me 1 point of damage even with my armour, I also got another set of armour which the bear refused to wear, so I left it there.

Round 10: let me take out the last crossroads monster, a Zombie (1d6+2), and I looted from him a lovely pair of magic books of +1movement. I also came across another crossroads.

Round 11: Time to explore the 3 other junctions of this crossroads. In two directions the dungeon continues on, but in the 3rd is the exit. As I look at the exit a dragon wakes and looks at me, at the same time sealing the exit so only the magic ring can open it and allow exit from the dungeon. I rolled for where the ring popped up, and thanks to Goddess Luck the ring spawned at the exit. So all i need to do to win is kill a dragon.  The question is, do I explore more for better items before fighting the Dragon, or do I attack.

Round 12:  I was going to look for better items, and monsters to kill but while I was deciding which direction to head, my Dwarf shouted For Gladhammer and threw his Holy Hand Grenade of BaBoom at the dragon and attacked!. The Bomb does 9 points of damage taking the dragon down to 11 health as the dwarf jumps into battle. So its now a battle between the Dragon (4d6) at 11 health v Dwarf and Bear at (3d6+5) with a -3Damage and 10 health.

First attack and I lost 2 health (8).
Second attack I lost but my armour took the hit
Third attack and I struck a lucky blow with my morning star dealing 7 points of damage (4)
Fourth attack  I struck and did 5 points of damage killing the Dragon. The bear’s hit was 5 so he got the kill, ripping out the throat of the dragon.

I unlocked the exit with the ring, and saw freedom.


All in all it was an enjoyable Dungeon run. 

This game allows for 1 to 4 players to have a quick and simple dungeon run which is different every time you play it. There are also special cards to add extra quest tasks in your game. There are even some PVP items. and you can create your own items, and characters. There is also an expansion “Bag of Dungeon 2”.

I would recommend this to any gamer, and I would like to thank the person who sent it me to look at.