Last night I was sitting with my feet up watching an episode of Babylon 5 as part of #TheGreatBab5Watch, following on from #TheGreatTNGReWatch (These are matters for a different post). Anyway, there I was just finishing the episode that was on, and considering if I should start the next episode or make a trip to the fridge for a cold beer when *ding ding* My mobile goes off with a message from PlanetPete “Internet playing up still? I’m on acb“. Well that made my decision for me, I’d not played on online for a while, and had only had one game of Assassins Creed Brotherhood online, so it seemed a great Idea.
It was suggested since I was unfamiliar with the game that we would play a couple of rounds in a private match, before playing on open games online with groups of people. I must say the private matches first was needed to get into the needed mindset. Now we were playing Hunted(I think the game types called) *EDIT: “I Have been reminded the name was ‘Manhunt’” Basically ‘Hide & Seek’ with a death thrown in at the end. There are two groups, One are assassins with the job of finding and killing the other group, who are trying their best to hide. You then switch half way through.

I have to say it was a good nights gaming, and AC Brotherhood is a very fun game to play. As can be shown by some of the comments of the evening.
“Ha! take that, I kill you!”
“That wasn’t me you just killed?”
“I know, but he got in my way and had to die!”
* * * * *
“You realise that was a normal woman you killed? and not the kind we’re hunting?”
“Yes but she ran!”
“Just because they run does not mean its the target”
“BUT SHE RAN! she had to die!”
* * * * *
“You Ok?”
“Yes. I’m just running around killing pretty ladies! That doesn’t make me a bad person”
“err No”
* * * * *
“ARGGGH!!! I just been killed by an evil monk!”
“Yes. I am Rasputin!”
* * * * *
“The Doctors rubbish, I dont like him”
“My skirt gets in the way climbing buildings!”
“yes but you looked like the Batman when you jumped off”
* * * * *
“Ha, I’m the king of the castle!”
“You up on the roofs?”
“Yes! They’ll never find me where I’m hiding… ARSE!!! I just got killed”