Greetings & Salutations!

Welcome to my new website. As you can see its actually under development at the minute and there is not much to see here.

Feel free to pop back later to see how it progresses.

The Year of a Busy Mason

The Masonic year tends to run from September until June, with July and August being our summer break. There are of course exceptions to every rule, and we do have the occasional summer meeting, but the majority runs September-June.  I have therefore decided to write a blog series to record of all my meetings in the 2023-24 Masonic year, to give people an idea of what a busy Masonic year is like.

So come along with me on a journey.

Recent News & Blog Posts

The Year That Was – 2024

Its that time of year again. Where I look back over the previous year and answer the same 40 questions.
2024 Edition

The last Masonic Meeting of 2024 – Christmas Dinner Count

This evening was my last Masonic Meeting of 2024! Tonight was the turn of Wrexhamian Lodge's December meeting, which is usually more of a social gathering than a meeting, and a chance for us all to escape families between Christmas and New Year. Depending on how many...

TYoaBM[2] – The Last Meeting of 2024

This evening was Wrexhamian Lodge's meeting, and my last meeting of 2024. Originally the Secretary of the Lodge had asked me to arrange someone to come give a talk, but I had to cancel that when I found out the DC was planning on just doing a Walking Charge in the 3rd...

BBW – Christmas Party

This evening we had our Monthly Blood Bikes Wales NE meeting, and on this occasion we combined it with a Christmas Party. The meeting was packed with people, most of whom were wearing Christmas Jumpers. I feel like I should own one for such occasions, but I would want...

TYoaBM[2] – The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.

This evening was Wrexhamian Chapter's meeting. It was our first meeting since everyone got their new roles, and the last one of the year. The Good! The meetings went very well, we had both a joining member, and a new member. The ceremony went well, and everyone had a...

Memories of the Day – Trip to Vote

This popped up on my Facebook Memories for the day. It is once again time for the UK population to go out on mass and fail to vote me in as supreme ruler of the country. Otherwise known as “The General Election”.   I like to do my civic duty, so this morning I packed...