The 100Q Purity Test

This is the 100Q purity-test, if you answer yes to any of these questions you get 1 point. Final points is a % of how pure you are?

  • MOS = Member of Opposite Sex
  • MSS = Member of Same Sex

yes no - 1 had a date?
yes no - 2 had a blind date?
yes no - 3 been out on a date past 4 a.m.?
yes no - 4 danced cheek to cheek?
yes no - 5 kissed an MOS?
yes no - 6 engaged in definitely sexual activity on the first date?
yes no - 7 kissed an MOS in the horizontal position?
yes no - 8 kissed an MOS in the last three months?
yes no - 9 been french kissed?
yes no - 10 had or given a hickey?
yes no - 11 necked?
yes no - 12 necked for more than two hours consecutively?
yes no - 13 seen a naked post pubescent MOS?
yes no - 14 been seen naked by an MOS after puberty?
yes no - 15 seen a stripper?
yes no - 16 had an orgasm?
yes no - 17 had an erection, clitoral erection?
yes no - 18 been engaged or married?
yes no - 19 read a pornographic book or magazine?
yes no - 20 seen a pornographic movie?
yes no - 21 had an alcoholic drink?
yes no - 22 been drunk?
yes no - 23 used alcohol to lower an MOS's resistance?
yes no - 24 had a loss of conscious due to drinking?
yes no - 25 smoked tobacco?
yes no - 26 smoked pot or hashish?
yes no - 27 used cocaine?
yes no - 28 used LSD, PCP, heroin, or Mushrooms?
yes no - 29 used four or more recreational drugs in one night?
yes no - 30 been arrested?
yes no - 31 been convicted of a crime?
yes no - 32 massaged, been massaged by an MOS?
yes no - 33 caressed or kissed an MOS's thigh?
yes no - 34 fondled a girl's breast, had your breasts fondled?
yes no - 35 fondled an MOS's butt?
yes no - 36 fondled an MOS's genitals?
yes no - 37 had your genitals fondled?
yes no - 38 had an orgasm due to manipulation by an MOS?
yes no - 39 manipulated an MOS to orgasm?
yes no - 40 showered bathed, jacuzzied or saunaed with an MOS?
yes no - 41 gone coed skinny-dipping?
yes no - 42 undressed or been undressed by an MOS?
yes no - 43 had sexual intercourse?
yes no - 44 had sexual intercourse more than ten times?
yes no - 45 had sexual intercourse with a virgin?
yes no - 46 had sexual intercourse outdoors?
yes no - 47 had sexual intercourse three or more times in one night?
yes no - 48 had sexual intercourse in three or more positions?
yes no - 49 had sexual intercourse in a car?
yes no - 50 had sexual intercourse with two MOSes within 24 hours?
yes no - 51 had sexual intercourse using a condom?
yes no - 52 had sexual intercourse during menstruation?
yes no - 53 had sexual intercourse at the MOS's parents' house?
yes no - 54 had sexual intercourse with 3 or more people seperately?
yes no - 55 had sexual intercourse continuously for 1/2 hour?
yes no - 56 had sexual intercourse within the last three months?
yes no - 57 had anal intercourse?
yes no - 58 purchased contraceptives?
yes no - 59 (arranged, had), an abortion?
yes no - 60 traveled over 100 miles for the sole purpose of intercourse?
yes no - 61 described a sexual experience to a third party?
yes no - 62 spent the night in an MOS's room?
yes no - 63 slept with an MOS?
yes no - 64 committed statuatory rape?
yes no - 65 been propositioned by a prostitute or a pimp?
yes no - 66 accepted?
yes no - 67 engaged in cunnilingus?
yes no - 68 engaged in fellatio?
yes no - 69 gone 69?
yes no - 70 tasted semen?
yes no - 71 unintentionally interrupted a couple in a state of undress?
yes no - 72 masturbated?
yes no - 73 masturbated with another person in the room?
yes no - 74 masturbated to a picture?
yes no - 75 been caught masturbating?
yes no - 76 watched another person masturbate?
yes no - 77 simulated intercourse with an inanimate object?
yes no - 78 been propositioned by a homosexual?
yes no - 79 accepted?
yes no - 80 picked up a strange MOS for sexual purposes?
yes no - 81 experimented sexually before puberty?
yes no - 82 had a V.D. test?
yes no - 83 had V.D.?
yes no - 84 shacked up with an MOS for a month or more?
yes no - 85 committed an act of exhibitionism (moon, streak, flash)?
yes no - 86 engaged in intercourse in a public place?
yes no - 87 engaged in intercourse with an unconscious person, while conscious?
yes no - 88 impregnated a woman, been pregnant?
yes no - 89 committed incest?
yes no - 90 engaged in group sex?
yes no - 91 fondled a pre-pubescent MOS when your were post-pubescent?
yes no - 92 engaged in transvestitism for sexual enjoyment?
yes no - 93 been masturbated by a member of the same sex?
yes no - 94 orally stimulated a member of the same sex?
yes no - 95 used a form of sexual lubricant?
yes no - 96 engaged in bondage?
yes no - 97 engaged in sadomasochism for sexual enjoyment?
yes no - 98 committed an act of voyeurism?
yes no - 99 committed bestiality?
yes no - 100 visited an orgy parlor?