afaik | As Far As I Know |
afk | Away From Keyboard |
asap | As Soon As Possible |
atm | At The Moment - self explanatory |
brb | Be Right Back |
bbs | Be Back Soon (or Bulleti
n Board Service). |
bbl | Be Back Later |
bbml | Be Back Much Later |
bbiab | be Back in a Bit |
bf,gf | Boy or Girl Friend - if you need explanation, seek help quickly! |
blrq | BLadder ReQuest |
| By The Way |
cmc | Coke Machine Calls. Really an acromyn meaning going to get some form of caffeine. (The staple diet of spods) |
eb's | An expression meaning Raises an eyebrow at. Usually followed by person's name. C
an also be linked with <L>, <R> or <B> to mean left right, or both |
fohcl | Falls Off His(or Her) Chair Laughing - like ROTFL |
fohcis | Falls Off His(or Her) Chair In Surprise - shocked, basically |
fyi | For Your Information |
fdl | Falls Down Laughing |
gmta | Great Minds Think Alike |
gif | Graphics Interchange Format. A way of storing digitised pictures. |
gol | Giggles Out Loud |
irc | Internet Re
lay Chat. |
irl/rl | In Real Life/Real Life - you know, that silly bit when you're not going bug-eyed in front of a monitor. |
ivl/vl | In Virtual Life/Virtual Life - that life which you have on the net. |
im(h)o | In My (
Humble) Opinion |
kb | Keyboard |
lol | Loughs Out Loud |
otoh | On The Other Hand |
ppl | PeoPLe |
rotfl | Rolls On The Floor Laughing - this means the person thought something be very funny. |
fl | Rolls In The Floor Laughing - originally a typo but now means that the person thought something to be extremely funny. |
rsn | Real Soon Now - at some time in the future. |
runifoc | aRe yoU Naked In Front Of Computer?. |
u | Super User - the users who are responsible for keeping order, making people resident, and helping you newbies. |
typo | TYPOgraphical error - someone hit the wrong key or summat |
tiff | Tagged Image File Format, another way
of storing pictures. |
vhlbi | Very Happy Little Bunny Indeed! |
w/out | WithOUT |